2024.10.10~16: Day 12~18
It has been a minute.
I realized after a while if I am writing pretty much identical things such as "I am walking faster than yesterday or It was a good day", it will get boring for me. So, I stopped posting anything if I felt like the days had a mundane daily routine which was my weekdays.
On Sunday (10/13), I met up with my beautiful ladies. One couldn't make it due to a fever. Nevertheless, it was refreshing to go out and have coffee and lunch. We went to Bondi Cafe Hiroo. I had coffee. We all had green curry with two types of fries. It was nice to eat out after almost two months of limited travel areas (hospital, home, work). I would have taken a photo to share here, but my mouth was so busy talking and catching up with my friends. Well, the internet has plenty of pictures of the place and food.
On Monday (10/14), as usual, I weighed myself and BGL. Both didn't change. Also, I finished my first 24-hour fast at around 6pm. I had yogurt (of course homemade) and some nuts. I was able to do this fast because I was working from home for a few days. I slept a lot during the day cause it is something that is recommended by a lot of people who do fast.
On Tuesday (10/15) morning, I couldn't help but weigh myself. I was down 1 kg. It is fascinating what fasting does to your health. Then I broke my 13-hour fast and started right after finishing my yogurt and nuts, with water and coffee with milk. Then off to my physical therapy appointment. It went well. The therapist told me to do the bridge pose to strengthen my butt and thigh muscles. Once I got back from the hospital, I saw the time and noticed I was faster than a week ago. The nicest part of the day was that I went grocery shopping. I know it sounds so silly, but it was nice to stroll and buy things I needed like ginger and sweet potato. Of course, I didn't buy a lot. Then I made udon (it was on sale) stir-fry. It was good and I made enough for 3 days. Towards 6pm, after I had a cup of coffee and a snack, I started another 24-hour fast.
That is all for now. See you in the next post.
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